
Besudeltes Memorandum

Lest das besudelte Memorandum und sprecht mit Alamar Grimm in Ambossar oberhalb des Eisklammtals.
Besudeltes Memorandum


Während Ihr unterwegs wart, um mir zu helfen, wurde mir dieses Memorandum für Euch gegeben. Nehmt Euch die Zeit, es zu lesen, wenn Ihr die Gelegenheit dazu habt. Ich glaube, es kommt vom Hexenmeisterlehrer Alamar. Werft einen Blick darauf und sucht ihn dann in Ambossar auf, sobald Ihr die Gelegenheit dazu habt.

Und passt auf Euch auf, <Name>, man traut Leuten wie Euch hierzulande nicht gerade.


Wonderful! You got my memorandum obviously.

Ignore the fools around you, Anengineer. The Holy Light?! The sword and shield?! These aren't paths for ones as open minded as us. Look at what "normal" magic did to our home. Coupled with those damned tinkerers, our race almost became extinct. And now we have to rely on the dwarves-- they'd rather spend time allying with humans than help us rebuild our own home. We're like second-class citizens. Have you seen the way they look at us?


But none of that matters. What matters is that you've seen your own Holy Light! You know where power truly comes from. You realize that having our own allies is much more... prudent. Special allies. Allies that, no matter the task, will obey till their last breath.

And that's where I come in, Anengineer. I can train you in the beginnings of those special powers. Seek me out often and I will do what I can to teach you more spells.


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